What is
CHOICESS is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that was founded in 1988 by Joseph and Rebecca Donofrio and a Board of Directors made up of family members, individuals receiving services, and advocates with the mission of providing support to persons with developmental disabilities who want to live, work, and be counted on as members of their community.
The mission of CHOICESS is to provide support services to persons with develop-mental disabilities to become interd- ependent within their community by assisting them to build and develop a community network.
CHOICESS will provide support and coor-dinate generic services for individuals to function successfully in their community. We offer supported living skills training, as well as vocational and/or educational support. The agency is committed to insuring that persons with developmental disabilities can obtain the same quality of life that exists for all members of a community.
CHOICESS supports people with developmental who are over the age of 18, are Regional Center clients, and who need support to successfully access their community. Individuals who utilize CHOICESS may have on or more of the following labels: intellectual disabilities, spectrum disorder, behavioral challenges, physical disabilities, sensory impairment,
or need for psychological support.